Publications by Giuseppe Frau

Books and publications by Germany’s most feared economic investigator

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Book by ComSec CEO and economic investigator Giuseppe Frau

Office crime scene: Germany's dreaded economic investigator recounts

In ‘The Shadows of Power: Corruption in German Companies‘, Giuseppe Frau, one of Germany’s most renowned economic investigators, reveals the often hidden network of corruption that undermines our economic structures. His report from the field shows that corruption is everywhere. However, entrepreneurs are often left alone by the investigating authorities and politicians.  With astute analysis and in-depth expertise, Giuseppe Frau sheds light on the complex mechanisms of bribery and unethical practices that have become deeply entrenched in the roots of many large companies. He explains how these practices threaten not only the integrity of individual institutions, but also the entire economic ecosystem. The legal, psychological and social contexts of corruption are presented as well as preventive measures to counteract corruption. Readers learn about the motives and methods of the perpetrators and how to protect themselves from them. The book also explains how corruption investigations work, including exciting case studies. What does transparency look like in practice and what advantages does it bring?  Giuseppe Frau takes us on a revealing journey – from the hidden corners of international organizations to the everyday business practices in Germany that are often overlooked. He exposes how corruption is shaking the foundations of our democracy and why it is vital that every individual takes action against this scourge. ‘The Shadows of Power’ is a must-read for entrepreneurs who no longer want to wait for politics to fight corruption. It provides with deep insights into the dark aspects of our economic system and is also an urgent call to action.

Exclusive for the association members
Book by ComSec CEO and economic investigator Giuseppe Frau

Office crime scene: Germany's dreaded economic investigator recounts

White-collar crime is a phenomenon that has received little attention in Germany and affects business and politics alike. The annual damage is in the billions. Who are the perpetrators? What are their motives? And how can companies and the state manage to protect themselves effectively against them? Giuseppe Frau has been working in the field of commercial investigations for 30 years and, with his company ComSec, has handled some of the most spectacular cases of white-collar crime in Germany in recent decades. He has been involved in solving cases of corruption, fraud and espionage and he knows them all: the “small” offenders who flog stock stolen from their employers on EBay as well as the big fraudsters who embezzle millions and get away with a fine. In his book “Tatort Büro” (Office Crime Scene), he recounts the practical experience of his work, sheds light on perpetrator structures and backgrounds, and provides effective tips on how to protect oneself effectively against white-collar crime.

He demands: Entrepreneurs and the state must rethink how to combat white-collar crime. The rising numbers, the growing field of cybercrime and the planned Association Sanctions Act, which will hold companies liable for the criminal actions of their employees, are forcing those responsible to act. Who are the perpetrators? Why do employees become criminals? How do I identify offenders on my team? What are the options for prevention? And what to do if you are affected yourself? Readers will find first-hand answers to these and many other questions.

Exclusive for the association members